Now I want an Arabian!

Brad Ramsey

Retired Moderator
Okay, after responding to Orin's thread and searching for pictures, I have come to the rather impulsive conclusion that I really like the look of the Arabian Chameleon (Chamaeleo arabica).
I would assume that the husbandry is similar if not identical to Ch. calyptratus.
I have never seen one offered for sale. Anyone have any ideas about how to obtain one of these animals?
To ease any concerns, I would not be interested in cross-breeding with a veiled...I would just like to have a specimen animal.

If it were me (keeping in mind i have no good chameleon connections...) i would just post a "Wanted" in the chameleon section of's classifieds. That site attracts more herp enthusiasts than every other site combined.... but you probably already knew that :)

Best of luck in your search!!! Id like to see pics and hear about any differences you observe between those and the calyptratus
Hi Brad. Personally I prefer the C.c. chamaeleon which I have always found really really interesting. Kinyonga has kept and bred them. It's always a joy having her tell me about them.
I certainly miss having them. They were so "mellow" compared to veileds!
Getting them to reproduce is not easy....they have to be brumated/hibernated it seems.
We live in the right climate for that don't we? I have a cold store room that dips right down into the 50s. Bug Grant about getting them in like he said he might a couple years ago.
Okay, after responding to Orin's thread and searching for pictures, I have come to the rather impulsive conclusion that I really like the look of the Arabian Chameleon (Chamaeleo arabica).
I would assume that the husbandry is similar if not identical to Ch. calyptratus.
I have never seen one offered for sale. Anyone have any ideas about how to obtain one of these animals?
To ease any concerns, I would not be interested in cross-breeding with a veiled...I would just like to have a specimen animal.


lol looks like a starving veiled :p goodluck if u get one :)
To all of you out there that deal with importers.... Wouldn't they be fairly easy to get as they are in the same area as the veiled and they are still exported. I know nothing about all the variables involved with exporting. Are they considered endangered or more rare than the veiled? Thanks. David
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