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I really want to boost up my chameleons nutrition and give her good meals. Because a previous error was I did not do a great job gutloading her insects and maybe that is why she doesnt have a huge appetite. I thought maybe if I get her to eat just a few good gut loaded insects, she would be more healthy. I am going to order King Kricket Feast tomorrow, but in the meantime, I am gutloading my crickets with fresh fruit and veggies. I am using apple, carrot, cellery leaves, turnip greens, and more as I continue doing research. Are these fruits and veggies ok to use for tonight? And what is a good gutload to feed waxworms?
I am using apple, carrot, cellery leaves, turnip greens, and more as I continue doing research. Are these fruits and veggies ok to use for tonight? And what is a good gutload to feed waxworms?

good start! check out the links David provided for some more ideas.

I agree that waxworms arent a great choice, but you can feed them a little bran with honey if you want (not that this adds much value)
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