

New Member
i just got my first set of nymphs :) this is awesome so stoked my question is should i separate the smaller ones or are they all happy and fine together? and i know broccoli is bad but it seems that they prefer this the best? so would be ok to grow them on broccoli and the night before or however long before feeding use like crack or watever to gutload them for use or would oxalic acid and goitrogen levels from te broccoli still be to high?
You dont need to use brocoli at all. Carrots, apple, romain, dandelion, pear, yam - any of those are better choices. I use a good gutload 99% of the time. But if I were using foods that were not good gutload items most of the time, I would switch to the good gutload at least a couple days prior to feeding off.

what type of nymph are they?
there roach nymphs and i switched the gutload to carrots and apples as of right now i was just curious cause they seem to go ape shit for the broccoli but nothing else its weird but i was wondering if the oxalic acid and goitrogen levels would still be too high even after the introducing of a high quality load prior to feeding not that im looking anymore to continue with broccoli just curoisty

Oxalic acid is the chemical compound. This colourless solid is a relatively strong carboxylic acid, being about 3,000 times stronger than acetic acid. The dianion, known as oxalate, is a reducing agent as well as a ligand for metal cations. Many metal ions form insoluble precipitates with oxalate, a prominent example being calcium oxalate, the primary constituent of the most common kind of kidney stones. Typically oxalic acid is obtained as the dihydrate.

Oxalic acid is toxic to humans, with LD50 which means 50% leathal dose of 71 mg/kg. It has an extremely irritating taste. Prolonged handling of aqueous solutions cause joint pains. Humans excrete several milligrams in urine

Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland

well a little research i found out wat i was looking for go figure but i thought i share obivously these are the pure form and are found in a lot of plants :
cassava Soybeans Pine nuts Peanuts Millet Strawberries Pears Peaches Spinach Bamboo shoots Sweet Potatoes but cooking inactives the goitrogens but not the oxalic acids and arent life threating as they require a 50% level is required to kill a human. as reading thought these i see why there not good as a base feeder even if you where to use another gut load as brain function is suppresed and can cause sore joints so this is some quite disturbing info and realize the amount my cham has ingested wont cause any harm but knowing that it could with prolong expose and enough of it just isnt good
there roach nymphs and i switched the gutload to carrots and apples as of right now i was just curious cause they seem to go ape shit for the broccoli but nothing else its weird but i was wondering if the oxalic acid and goitrogen levels would still be too high even after the introducing of a high quality load prior to feeding not that im looking anymore to continue with broccoli just curoisty
i used to feed my roaches a lot of broccoli until other members advised against it , my roaches dont seem as happy, but my chams look better and have better looking poohs since then, thanks to sandra chameleon for originally setting me straight on that one
yea ive done some more research about the roaches themselves and everything and they would retain this in there body for a long time it even suggest for almost two molts.
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