Oahu Jackson Hunting


Established Member
Hey guys, I just got back from Oahu and managed to catch a few Jacksons while I was there. I relocated most of them to my Grandmother's yard, but I did bring the little guy back with me. I have included a grumpy pic of him upon his arrival. I am headed back in June, so I will be able to check on the status of the relocated ones then. One question that was raised while I was there is what do Jackson's need to have their horns grow properly? Just about every male that I saw had very crooked horns. It seems to me that the Hawaiian diet is lacking something important to their horn development but not to their overall survival.


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Hello, how did you get him home with you? None of the airlines will allow a chameleon on the plane. That is the joke, the government will allow you to take a couple home, but the airlines won't allow it. I always wondered if you could just "bring" one home.
But you are going over soon, just wear something with big flowered pockets. none of the people will want to get close.:D
Laurie, Delta has always allowed me to take them home FROM Hawaii. It is up to the ticket agent if you are allowed to or not and they are much more accepting of chameleons over there. The company regulation bans large reptiles (Large Pythons, Komodo Dragons, Alligators, etc.) and venomous species. However, FROM Salt Lake is a completely different matter. I tried to take a couple 2 week old jacksons with me to Seattle and the lady almost had a heart attack. She was convinced that they were poisonous and were going to kill her, even though they were an inch long. :D

It is also worth noting that you are not allowed to take them between the islands. So if you catch one on Maui, and fly out Kahului -> Honolulu -> Mainland, taking one with you will probably not be allowed, even though there are established populations on both islands already.
If all else fails, you could hide them in your cary on bag and "smuggle" them onto the airplane. That being said, I would not recommend sending them through the X-Ray machine. Not sure what that radiation would do. The TSA guys have always been great about just doing a visual/cloth swiping inspection of them.
I'm on Oahu! Where do you find these guys? We have never seen one in the wild, but there is always people on the sides of the road selling them for $5! My friend's female had babies and I just got one of them. They are fascinating!
I'm on Oahu! Where do you find these guys? We have never seen one in the wild, but there is always people on the sides of the road selling them for $5! My friend's female had babies and I just got one of them. They are fascinating!

Kapaa Quarry Road, but they are on Tantalus, Pali lookout, and all over really.
Is delta the only carrier that alows them. ?

I'm not sure, you would have to check with them. You must also get permission from the government. You can contact them here:

Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Department of Land and Natural Resources
Administrative Office (Honolulu)
(808) 587-0166
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