Odd Growth


New Member
Hello friends... I have a male veiled chameleon and about 24 hours ago now I noticed something protruding from in the inner tail. It is pinkish and I at first thought was his penis. But since it has been so long I'm getting scared it could be his spleen. The color is what is making me think it is not just poop. Living in Nebraska I have yet to find a veterinarian who will look at him. Does anyone have any ideas?


  • Chandler.jpg
    215.8 KB · Views: 129
What do you mean because it has been so long?? I am confused. You mean it has been out a long time or it is long in length?. If it is his private part and is left out too long, it will dry up and die. It will need to be amputated if it is his penis. It does not really look like that from the pic, but is very hard to tell. Being pink in color has me worried. They have things called prolapses where the private parts or other organs protrude from the vent. If it just came out you can put some ky jelly(if you have any handy) on it so it does not dry up. Their penises are only used for reproduction so they can live without it. They will occasionally get these white things that stick out of their vent called sperm plugs. They are white in color and not pink though. If they don't fall out by themselves they will dry up and be yellowish in color.
Thank you for answering... I mean because the time frame had been so long it was starting to worry me. I was thinking it was a ruptured bowel and that the fact that it had been hanging out there for almost 24 hours now was worrying me. I did not know that their penis can get "stuck" out there... should my first move be to try and put some lube on it?
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