Odor control


New Member
Ive had my chams now for almost 3 years and I usually control the fecal odors with Clorox lemon scented wipes, which I use every few days to clean out the bottoms of their cages, both of which are in my bedroom. I also sometimes use a shop vac to get into the corners or to get any that is in the umbrella plant pot. I don't want to use any type of household spray material for fear of contaminating any feeders which might accidentally poison or sicken my chams. I was thinking of maybe spreading out some crushed carbon that comes in the premade filter packs from my fresh water filter kit into the soil but not sure if this would work. Does anyone else have any opinion or solution or advice here?
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I've heard of people using a lemon and water spray, but personally I don't think I have an odor problem. That being said, I work in a warehouse beside the manure plant all day long and tend not to be able to smell particularly unpleasant scents afterwards! =P
What odor problem are you having? If you remove feces and spot clean you shouldn't have any odors. If it smells like sewer you might have root rot in your plants. If that is the case you should repot them and use 50% sand in your soil to facilitate water drainage.
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