New Member
So I was very ecstatic to receive an Ambanja from Todnedo this morning, he is absolutely stunning by the way, and then I also received 12 Senegals that I am acclimating and either going to try to breed, or sell them after acclimation. I am determined to get this right because my Senegal clutch is dying off no matter what I do. These guys are impossible, but I am going to figure it out no matter how long it takes me. THEN I went out to check on my gravid (pregnant) sternfeldi to find that she prematurely dropped her babies and they all still had their large yolk sacs attached that they hadn't internalized yet. So, they all died in my hands. THEN I noticed my female Oustalets dropping her premature eggs while climbing around her cage (these are the eggs I was hoping would make it because my male died of old age), and these eggs she dropped were further along than the eggs she dropped last week, but still premature. THEN I went to my Dubia bin to find that something had knocked it over and they ALL escaped!!! I had thousands in there and spent about 2 months building a colony, and I had spent hundreds buying females, mixed sizes, males, etc and there were babies being born left and right. What I think happened was that my chickens got into the garage and tried getting into the bin because I made the mistake of feeding them roaches one time. I have to completely start over with my Dubias, and the worst part is, crickets are almost impossible to find at the moment. THEN I received a supply of silkworms (not from any of our sponsors) and half of them were dead. What a day, I wonder what will happen next...