Oh no, the dreaded teenage years!


New Member
Hello all! I know it's been awhile since my last post. Through the last couple of months we have tried to determine the age of my little guy via pictures, pet store info, etc, and right now he's about 4-5 months. Granted, he's never been what one would call a social butterfly, but he went through his last shed and was fine.. Until yesterday. Huffing andn puffing and ready to blow his house down if I even pass his cage! :/ I'm afraid it may be that time of his life. Thank God he's not an actual child, I don't know how parents do this!
If I so much as try to feed him he puffs up and gapes at me. :(
I know it sucks :( my Sambava has been that way ever since I got him when he was about 4 months and he is now almost 9 months and still the same way. I am definitely hoping he calms down and isn't so mean lol
Best of luck with him, teenagers tend to be grumpy... are you hand feeding him to rebuild his like of you?
Dont feel bad for yourself:D

Mine runs from me all day :mad: all i want to do is hold my chameleon, but of course they all think that we are going to like kill them or something if mine doesnt calm down its going to suck :eek: plus I think he likes my mom more though
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