OK, strawberries don't wiggle...


Avid Member
... and if they don't wiggle ,, Stanley hs no interest in them... i'd love to get him eating some fruits and veggies but "wiggling" seems to be a must to get his attention... any suggestions???

thanks,, lisa
you holding it doesnt help? LOL if i hold one in front of clea..she see's my finger and goes for the strawberry. Pretty funny!

well,,, i tried for quite a while this afternoon and he shot at it once but it fell and he didn't go for it again..... i tried wiggling it and moving it close and then further away but he lost interest,,, ;(
my female veiled wont even look twice unless it is a moving insect but I did trick her once with a piece of strawberry cut into the shape of a worm that I shook around a bit in my hand. It worked twice in a row but not a third time, she figured me out. lol. So you could try tricking your cham haha
maybe she doesn't like strawberries:p Try a couple different types. I have been able to feed both my male and female panthers thin slices of apple and yellow squash. They wont touch greens and neither one would go for a strawberry. The female bit down on a grape once but spit it out and will not try it again.
my female veiled wont even look twice unless it is a moving insect but I did trick her once with a piece of strawberry cut into the shape of a worm that I shook around a bit in my hand. It worked twice in a row but not a third time, she figured me out. lol. So you could try tricking your cham haha

i tried thin slices and wiggled them in frount of him.. after the first miss he wouldn't try again....
maybe she doesn't like strawberries:p Try a couple different types. I have been able to feed both my male and female panthers thin slices of apple and yellow squash. They wont touch greens and neither one would go for a strawberry. The female bit down on a grape once but spit it out and will not try it again.

thanks, i'm going to start trying other foods.. surely he'll go for something else... :)
I think chams have a "feeling" as in stuff they can eat or not. My Sebastian won't touch red leaf lettuce, but Kale he will climb upside down for.
Luie and Camille did not eat fruits and veggies at first. Their tongue want stick to it and they had a hard time figuring out just how to get it. Now they both love it and I feed fruits and/or veggies once a week. Luie will take it from my hand and Camille gets hers out of a shallow bowl.
Luie and Camille did not eat fruits and veggies at first. Their tongue want stick to it and they had a hard time figuring out just how to get it. Now they both love it and I feed fruits and/or veggies once a week. Luie will take it from my hand and Camille gets hers out of a shallow bowl.

that's exactly what happened Jann.. he shot at it and it didn't stick. i couldn't get him to try again.
guess i'll try slicing some fruits up and offering them on a plate... :)

i'd love to get him eating something else besides live bugs. for a minute he was eating pothos and hibiscus leaves but hasn't done that in over a month..
update!! :) maybe wiggling isn't necessary!!

guess what Stanley ate this afternoon!?!?!?!

2 thin slices of strawberry!!!!! i was sooo excited to have him take it from my fingers!!!!
when i first posted this he had tried to shoot it but it wouldn't stick to his tongue..
thiis afternoon i thought i'd try it again so i put him in his hibiscus in the window and brought over a couple of slices to let him get a look. then i held one up within an inch or two and i could see him starting to ball his tongue up, getting ready to shoot at it. well instead he just very slowly stuck it out to the slice and i just kinda eased toward his mouth.. he opened right up and ate it and even had a second slice!!!!!
i am so glad to see him eating fruit, it's got to be loaded with all types a goodies along with plenty of water to help with fluid intake....
i wish i'd had a camera,, oh well, maybe next time!!! ;)
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