ok to feed bees??


New Member
i got a mini bee hive in my backyard so i'm wondering if its ok to feed my boy some bees.....they're normal bees not the big fat ones.
me personally, I wouldn't. You know they sometimes hold they prey in their mouth and I would assume they could get stung.
i know this is mean but when my cham basks i shoot bees with my BB gun...
stings can kill 200 pound men, imagine a 3~ pound cham?
i lost a cham to a bee sting..couldnt swat it away before my cham took a shot..stung the inside of her mouth..dont know if she had an allergic reaction, but her face instantly swelled up, and she died about an hour later..i dont let them get near bees(i always knew they where bad, then got to experence it first hand..do not feed them anything that you couldnt theroetically eat yourself (insect wise)..
i lost a cham to a bee sting..couldnt swat it away before my cham took a shot..stung the inside of her mouth..dont know if she had an allergic reaction, but her face instantly swelled up, and she died about an hour later..i dont let them get near bees(i always knew they where bad, then got to experence it first hand..do not feed them anything that you couldnt theroetically eat yourself (insect wise)..

wow! Well that confirms it then. It is a BIG no no! I mean you cannot help what happens if they are outdoors and you see them go for one before it is too late, but feeding bees to them is totally out of the question. Sorry you lost your cham to that.
wow! Well that confirms it then. It is a BIG no no! I mean you cannot help what happens if they are outdoors and you see them go for one before it is too late, but feeding bees to them is totally out of the question. Sorry you lost your cham to that.

thanks carol..and ya that totally hurt when that happend, i will always blame myself (whats weird is they DO eat them in the wild..maybe they just know how to crunch down on them faster or somthing.??)..i freak whenever i see bees go near my chams..and if i take them for a walk (outside on a bush) i do only ones that are away from any bees..

p.s. i suppose if you caught a bee, and pulled the stinger from it..theorectically, they would bee super nutritious
I believe I was told in a previous tread of mine that even dead bee parts shouldn't be fed. I was asking about "pet" bee pollen that still had bits and pieces of the bees in it.
I believe I was told in a previous tread of mine that even dead bee parts shouldn't be fed. I was asking about "pet" bee pollen that still had bits and pieces of the bees in it.

ya, like if you step on one even when its dead it WILL sting you..my ex-gf did that once..and it was a crusty, like three day old (dead) one...i do buy raw pollen at whole foods ...its good stuff, just overpriced, like everything there..

if you havent seen this..i LOL'D @ it :D

I suppose they could sting, but they can't inject the venom. They can still probably sting for a good .5-1 hour after death, but after that, they shouldn't be able to inject anything.
I suppose they could sting, but they can't inject the venom. They can still probably sting for a good .5-1 hour after death, but after that, they shouldn't be able to inject anything.

they cant but the act of stepping on one will do it for them(say your foot lands perfectly on the stinger, then the pressure cause by stepping squeeses whatever poison thas left right in)..the poison sac stays good for apporx 24 hours after death..sooo weird!
I didn't think about that. You would be pretty unlucky to step on one perfectly like that! I never see them in any other position except on their sides.
I didn't think about that. You would be pretty unlucky to step on one perfectly like that! I never see them in any other position except on their sides.

thats what i always thought..but tell that to my ex..her dumbass still got stung, and this thing was totally dead for awhile..at least a day..she was dooing cartwheels at a park..and i found it on the ground right by her..
I have found many wild chameleons with bee venom sacks stuck inside their mouths with no I'll effects, in particular dilepis and namaquensis.
I have found many wild chameleons with bee venom sacks stuck inside their mouths with no I'll effects, in particular dilepis and namaquensis.

interesting..too bad the same thing killed a jacksons i had (i explained it earlier in the post)..i wont ever risk it..
You know they sometimes hold they prey in their mouth

Did you ever seen a chameleon catch a bee or a wasp outside? They all chew very, very quickly, I never saw one stung or having any problems. I wouldn't feed bees purposely, but if the chameleon had an outdoor cage and there's been a bee inside, I wouldn't care about.
i used to catch them take out the stinger and feed them to my jacksons they always seemed fine and i would try to find bees with lots of pollen on their legs i figured it would be good for them. i dont know if i would do it again now
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