One month old Panther starting to get colours..

Very cute little panther, congratulations! Panthers start showing color at different ages, some as young as a couple weeks, others take a few months, so it's totally normal.
Mine just started showing colors last week on his body. He had a few spots of green on his face a month ago but now is starting to really become more vibrant.

He turns 5 months on the 21st.
It seems to me baby panthers will color up within weeks, and then go dull for a month or so before coloring up again.

He will probably go gray or beige for a while after his next shed and then really start to color up slowly after that.

I see the same thing happen with my crested geckos. You almost get a 'preview' of what they will look like as adults within the first few weeks, and then they go into a 'blah' growing stage, not as colorful until they get to about 3-5 months of age.
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