Organic Soil


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For those of you who use live plants what brand of soil do you use without any perlite. The Home Depot by me has organic soil but it still has the perlite in it. And apparently my little guy thinks those little white balls are snails or something
I know at @Extensionofgreen uses sunshine mix #4. I used what I already had since my wife wouldn't let me buy the sunshine mix :rolleyes:. My base layer is the miracle grow garden soil cactus palm and citrus. There's maybe a 2 inch layer in my plant box then my top 6 or 7 inches is plain organic topsoil. the miracle-gro has some fert pellets in it but I added some osmocote + around the roots of the plants too..
Soil without perlite, charcoal, bark, or some other air space holder is not conducive to the life of healthy plants. Use a well aerated soil and cover the surface with leaves, weed block, or a thin layer of coir.
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