Other than Crickets


New Member
how can i feed my man something other than crickets.
I free range his crickets so how would i let him eat silkworms or something of that nature he wont see or eat them off the ground and i dont know how he would respond to a feeding cup.

Also he is almost 8 months old and it seems he only eats like every 2 days.
You could try holding the cup to start with so he can feed from it. Also you could handfeed silkworms. The only food I don't hand fed are crix and supers as they gross me out, lol!:D
try putting the worms on the screen where he can see them, maybe that could get his attention
silkworms and hornworms and cabbage loppers can be placed on a vine or branch or the walls of the cage - their suction cup feet will hold them most anywhere.
Stick insects will climb almost anything, so can be used like crickets.
Roaches should be put in a cup, unless he is likely to eat it immediately and quickly from a branch. Most get the idea of a cup/bowl quite quickly - suspend it somewhere under/near the chameleon, use a cricket the first time or two so he makes the connection of cup = food.
Butterworms hold onto vines and rough branches fairly well, if the butterworms are fresh and lively. Otherwise use a cup.
Superworms will climb screen and some branches/vines, but they can fall and be lost on the bottom so are also a good candidate for a cup.
Terrestrial isopods (wood sows, rollie pollie) will climb most anything that isnt slick/slippery except perhaps screen
Snails stick to most anything
Termites are best fed via a cup or bowl
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