Outdoor housing setups


New Member
Hi all...I'm new to this site. I am planning on getting a chameleon...first one. It will either be a Veiled or a Panther. I read how putting them outside is good for them...getting real sunshine and all. I have a collapsable screen cage but it has a very small opening at the bottom and top. If my cham is put in there, how do you get them back out for the evening? How do you guys handle an outdoor setup? I don't want him free ranging in my trees as I'll never find him again, or a neighbor cat might get him.
Thanks for the advice,
I can tell you a little about our set up, its very basic. Its actually a screened in section of the porch but the screen is really wire as it was built for reptiles only due to we have feral cats in the area. We also have lots of mosquitoes so I don't leave them out in the porch I have a custom built shelving type thing for the other reptiles and the chameleons have zoomed cages out there as I worry about mosquitoes am not very well versed in chameleons and mosquito bites.. I do let them out it was originally for just my one but I went and got 2 more so now they will take turns climbing when we r chilling out back. Last season the other 2 were too young and could easily fit through some areas to get out of the screened area. B4 that we used to just leave our one chameleon's cage door open and he always preferred to stay gone, meaning out of his Zoomed screen cage. The porch basically protects them from from the elements but if it gets too hot or too cold we bring them in. I am still hopping for a watering system but in the meantime its drip and spray and the rain will spray in there sometimes depending on how the wind is blowing. Its a work in progress I may have some ideas this season. The plants are all dead now but I will typically buy chameleon safe vines and just let them grow on the wire. I need a better method as just as they grow long enough the to look half way nice the season changes.
I hate to say it but if you have the same collapsible cage that I do.... It's a piece of crap.... Mine is shaped like a barrel with zippered opening at the bottom and a small velcroed opening at the top... It is nearly impossible to get your Cham out, without taking it down and practically folding it up on him!
I keep it only as an emergency cage....
Back here I set my cage outdoor.

Full screen aluminum construction wih wired screen. I used ficus as they are good for outdoors.

Circulation is really good. I even put him outside at night. I spray the cage with hoses once a week after daily spot cleaning to ensure clean leaves :)
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