Outdoor PVC Enclosure Finished!


Took me 2 evenings between design, purchasing materials, measurements, cuts, construction, painting, and MILLIONS of zip ties :eek: Darth Bane is always trying to escape his enclosures, so I had to make it really escape proof. Plan on adding different plants (hibiscus) and lots of walkways.


That looks really nice! The zip ties does give it a bamboo look. I think you did a great job with it :)
This looks great! May I ask how you made the door, specifically, how did you make the hinge so it opens all the way like that? I just built an enclosure for one of my female panthers, but have not finished it because I am still trying to figure out the door.

Here are a couple of pics of what I have so far.

How is it weighted down?? It doesn't look like there is anything holding the bottom down. It looks great and very spacious though!
This looks great! May I ask how you made the door, specifically, how did you make the hinge so it opens all the way like that? I just built an enclosure for one of my female panthers, but have not finished it because I am still trying to figure out the door.

Here are a couple of pics of what I have so far.

I have a horizontal bar going across the front about 1' from the bottom. The door is positioned between this bar and the top. Used a simple nut and bolt combo with nylon washers to provide a buffer between the pvc tubes.



How is it weighted down?? It doesn't look like there is anything holding the bottom down. It looks great and very spacious though!

I will eventually have it anchored to a "stand" of sorts. Something to just get it off the ground. But for now, I have a Swedish Ivy which is hanging from the main cross member at the top. That plant is actually very heavy. If we have weather capable of knocking it down, I would bring Bane inside asap :eek:

Not to rain the the parade (im also part of the pvc cage master race) but only the black zip ties are rated for outdoor/UV use. The clear ones will crack and get brittle in a couple of months... They might look like they are holding, but if you bend them they just shatter.

Not to rain the the parade (im also part of the pvc cage master race) but only the black zip ties are rated for outdoor/UV use. The clear ones will crack and get brittle in a couple of months... They might look like they are holding, but if you bend them they just shatter.

Yeah... Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way. It's a pain, but you definitely want to replace with the black ties, or even better, use plastic coated wire
I have a horizontal bar going across the front about 1' from the bottom. The door is positioned between this bar and the top. Used a simple nut and bolt combo with nylon washers to provide a buffer between the pvc tubes.


Nice, this is exactly the way I ended up doing my door yesterday. I still need to wrap the shower curtain around my cage and then I will be setting it up and moving Skye into it. She should LOVE the upgrade. Right now she is in an 18"x18"x24" PVC cage that I built a few months ago.
Noooo! Oh well. Will just keep an eye on them and replace when they start to fail

Thx for the heads up

I would be proactive and replace them now. You don't want to have an "accident" and not see some that have failed, and in turn giving an opening for him to get out or something else getting in. :eek:
Looks great to me, I wish I had the energy and ability to make something like that.
I notice you have the basking lamp inside the cage. Do you have a screen cover for it so your cham doesn't burn his tongue?
Hello all,
We are new to the forum and I am new to forums in general so not very experienced! We are also not yet chameleon owners but are researching and possibly getting one in August at the breeder expo in Daytona. I was researching different enclosure options and came across the forum. I think we are going to go with the PVC and netting idea for an inside and outside enclosure. I have a couple questions- On many of the outside ones I have not seen any lighting. I live in Florida so I am guessing that I won't need any lighting outside but the area we are thinking of will be in shade- under a back patio roof- no direct sunlight so would I still need lighting? Also, I have read some conflicting information as far as temps and outside enclosures. It is VERY humid here and can get up to heat index of the 100's is this too hot for a cham to be outside? We are thinking of getting a panther but still researching that as well. I am kind of partial to the carpet chameleons but my son is part of the decision process so not sure yet what we will get if any. Our neighbor keeps her veiled outside in a screen room pretty much all the time except for the colder days and when a storm is coming. Any input would be helpful!
Just a suggestion, I made cages like this last year and found the cut zip ties are very sharp. I switched mine so the cut ends are outside the cage instead of inside. For the door, I found plastic hinges that work great and won't rust.
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