Outside cage


New Member
Hi :) so sometimes I will leave the cage door open and ill attend it so I don't lose him and Kaleo loves to crawl to my Window its so cute, but sometimes after he crawls back in or i put him back after a while he will sit on the door till I open it he really enjoys outside of his cage is that normal?
Yes, my chameleon does that at times. How big is your cage? And the temps? If both of those are fine, that is completely normal :) It's funner to be outside :p
It's like 20 x 20 by something its a lil bigger than 18 by 18 by 20 and will soon be getting his big cage. And he has a 60 watt any warmer he gapes any colder he sits underneath the light.its all good right? I'd definitely would rather be outside of a cage, i want to free range him possibly.
well a 60 watt is good if it achieves the correct basking temp you are looking for. I did not mean to sound like a smart A$$ I just meant that I think they are much happier when not caged up and I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to live in a cage my whole life either! I think once most of them get a taste of freedom then they prefer to come out of their cages
Nah you didn't sound like a smart A ;P I was just afraid I wasnt doing something right :)
I think thats prolly what makes me feel guilty they are cooped up a lot. But ill try to free range him then he can have a lot of space ^^
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