

New Member
i need to know if a about 2 month old veiled chameleon will over eat if allowed to usually i put 6 crickets in a day but i do let him eat from my hand with mealworms but i dont know how many mealworms a day he should eat.if any other things i should know bout veileds cham plz let me know heres a pic of him/her cant tell sex yet and cage check my other thread just bought cham and need tips for pics
Hi Pedro,
I am by no means an expert here, but it's late and no one seems to be online, so i'll tell you what I know....
I guess firstly you shouldn't feed a young cham mealworms yet, maybe a small soft one a couple of times a week max as a treat, as they can cause compaction
What size crickets are you feeding him?
I would imagine at that age he would still be chomping pin-heads down, if that's the case 6 probably would not be enough, if he is eating small crix, i'd say 6 ish, 2 x times a day is cool...
Chime in experts as you are the guys teaching me thus far...:)
As far as sexing, look for a little spur on it's back legs...looks like a tiny 3rd toe, if it has this, it's a male.

From what I have read a Chameleon will NOT over eat. However the types of food he is given is to eat is an important issue.

3-5 Live crickets in his habitat and a worm 2-3 times a week is ideal I have been told here.

But according to science they do not over eat. Which is cool.
At that age I would let them eat as much as they want to!!
Some chameleons need as much as 15 crickets a day during growing phases....just make sure you doing the calcium dusting. Very important during his growing.
You should be able to tell if your chameleon is eating too much because he/she will get fat. (BTW, many chameleons will overeat....especially females.)
I just got my chameleon 5 days agot and he is a little fatty. he loves to eat. i will put 7 crickets in his cage (dusted) in the morning and by the time i look up there is one left. i monitor him to be sure hes eating them and he really is. so i add more in his cage before work to keep him occupied while im at work but he always seems hungry and looking around when i get off (an hour before bed time) i dont want to give him to much but he loves to eat.
I just got my chameleon 5 days agot and he is a little fatty. he loves to eat. i will put 7 crickets in his cage (dusted) in the morning and by the time i look up there is one left. i monitor him to be sure hes eating them and he really is. so i add more in his cage before work to keep him occupied while im at work but he always seems hungry and looking around when i get off (an hour before bed time) i dont want to give him to much but he loves to eat.

This thread is from 2007. But you should start a new thread showing us your new chameleon. Welcome to the Forums!
It depends on how old he is, in my opinion from hatching-8 months for males there is no limiting for females there is at 5 months. My male panther used to at 22-25 a day until he was 8 months and then it abruptly stopped around 9 months and he started eating a dozen large crickets worth of feeders every other day and that's it.
This thread is from 2007. But you should start a new thread showing us your new chameleon. Welcome to the Forums!
I have been trying to but i cant figure it out xD im really tech savvy too but idk how to post one ty btw! i love it so far
It depends on how old he is, in my opinion from hatching-8 months for males there is no limiting for females there is at 5 months. My male panther used to at 22-25 a day until he was 8 months and then it abruptly stopped around 9 months and he started eating a dozen large crickets worth of feeders every other day and that's it.
Mine is a male veild chameleon and im not sure his age but he puts down 15 easily. that makes me feel much better about it though. i just dont want to harm him in any way.
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