Panther baby brown / basking duration


New Member
I picked up a baby panther Chameleon- attached is the size of him- sometimes he will be a very light colour and mostly just dark brown.

I usually turn off all the lights for my Veiled at night and turn it back on in the morning.
Does the baby Panther need more basking light? leave it on for 24/7?
Should I give the baby direct sunlight? plus lighting? or just sunlight. Does that mean more Humidity for the baby Panther?

Do the babies need more basking temperature? or more time under the light? Should
I turn off the lights for the baby Chameleon? Forr how long I'm sure they can use the
darkness to sleep. Please advise.


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By sunlight plus lighting, do you mean having it outside plus having a light bulb on top of the cage? If that is the case, no.

Babies do not need as high of a temperature as adults. I'd try to keep it under 90 degrees in the basking spot. I'd have the light cycle 14 hours on, 10 off, but that's me.

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