Panther Breeding....


New Member
:confused:I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to tell if my Panthers are ready to mate... I've read tons of articles but I wanna know from people who have done it or seen it...
My understanding is when mature the female will have a salmon color and she should be receptive, typically when 9-12 months might be a good time to place her into the males cage. Let the fun begin as you watch her belly fill with eggs an after a month make her place to lay, she will retain sperm from one breeding and could lay another clutch:eek: what would you do if our wifes did that?;)
It is best to wait until she is around a year old or so, bring the female over to the males cage and watch her reaction if she stays a calm peach or pink color and doesn't gape, hiss rock back and forth and turn dark colors she is probably receptive and you can put her in his cage. She should slowly walk away while he follows, he will do his head bob, show off colors, follow her and mount. If she freaks out then put her back in her cage and try again in a week or so they will lay eggs one month after when bred, when not bred it depends.
Fertile eggs will only be laid after the female has been mated...about 30 days after the mating.

Infertile eggs can be laid any time once the female is sexually mature. It varies from female to female partly due to the husbandry provided for her.

Suzi has explained how to mate them well.
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