Panther Chameleon Adoption - Atlanta Georgia


New Member
Hello Chameleon Forums!
I just found out about this forums and am super grateful that there is this wonderful community.

I own two panther chameleons, their names are Panther & Taro.
Panther lives in Atlanta, Georgia & Taro lives in Bangkok, Thailand.

Unfortunately, I have to relocated back to Thailand, I am looking for someone to adopt / re-home my panther. He is more than 8 months old!


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no this is not my first Cham, I live in the Atlanta area and would love to adopt this guy. I have a female panther that I have have for 2.5 months, I also have a ball python a sand boa a few leopard geckos poison dart frogs a bearded dragon and some bugs.

hope that helps answer ur question
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