Panther Chameleon Has big bump on his underside


New Member
I recently bought an panther chameleon
And i noticed it had this bump underneath when I took him out wen I got home.
I worried that it's gunna shorten his lifespan.
It's pretty big and it's on both it's sides and there hard..
What could it be ??
Please if anyone had a situation like this to their chameleon
Please reply.
For more info and pics
Any help or suggestions will help a lot.
While I save up money to take him to the vet
I recently bought an panther chameleon
And i noticed it had this bump underneath when I took him out wen I got home.
I worried that it's gunna shorten his lifespan.
It's pretty big and it's on both it's sides and there hard..
What could it be ??
Please if anyone had a situation like this to their chameleon
Please reply.
For more info and pics
Any help or suggestions will help a lot.
While I save up money to take him to the vet

I'd also get back in contact with the person you bought it from! Either they might know something about it such as how long its been there. We can't even guess without a picture.
Sorry I took so long To reply been busy all day.

Ima post a pic right now idk if u notice it tho it's underneath where his stomach is I think ..
I'll post better pics tomorrow.


  • image.jpg
    178.3 KB · Views: 246
Sorry, I cant really tell where the lumps are from the picture. But what you are describing sounds like either gular edema (caused by either an overdose or deficiency of vitamin A i believe), or gout (caused by a diet with too much protein). Both are reversible in the long run, but I would advise a vet visit to distinguish the exact cause. Sorry you are having problems with the little guy so soon :(
Here's a better pic

Yeah I hope it's what you saying it be.
I thought it would kill him soon
Here's a better pic to see wha it is.


  • image.jpg
    248.8 KB · Views: 204
It still isn't very clear, but looks as if something is bulging from under the skin itself right? If so, it could be a tumor, an abscess, an encapsulated parasitic worm, some sort of intestinal prolapse or hernia. This cham needs to see an experienced herp vet. An x-ray or ultrasound may tell you more.
Sorry, I cant really tell where the lumps are from the picture. But what you are describing sounds like either gular edema (caused by either an overdose or deficiency of vitamin A i believe), or gout (caused by a diet with too much protein). Both are reversible in the long run, but I would advise a vet visit to distinguish the exact cause. Sorry you are having problems with the little guy so soon :(

Doesn't present like edema or gout. The "gular" is the throat area, not abdominal. Gout tends to show as swelling around a joint.
Your cham needs a vet.

Thats not edema, edema would normally show in the armpits or te chin area.
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