Panther chameleon very sick! Please help!


New Member
Hi , I've had my Panther chameleon for over a year now and I know that I haven't been taking the best care of him but I'm trying. But right now he is only like 5 1/2 inches and I have seen a lot bigger at his age. His eyes are also bulging. I give him crickets and mealworms and also give him his vitamins. He lives in a glass terrarium about a couple feet tall that has fake vines and branches. For water I most him 2-3 times a day and he has a water bowl with a bubbler. I'm not sure if he will grow soon or if I need to feed him more. And with the eye bulging I tried misting him with warm water. Please reply, thanks
Try using a dropper with warm water and apply directly in the eye and if that doesn't work then you should take him to the vet because my veiled chameleon had the same problem but I took him to the vet and they gave me some ointment and I've been using that on him and his eye is way better but usually that happens with chameleons because of lack of vitamins.
Hi , I've had my Panther chameleon for over a year now and I know that I haven't been taking the best care of him but I'm trying. But right now he is only like 5 1/2 inches and I have seen a lot bigger at his age. His eyes are also bulging. I give him crickets and mealworms and also give him his vitamins. He lives in a glass terrarium about a couple feet tall that has fake vines and branches. For water I most him 2-3 times a day and he has a water bowl with a bubbler. I'm not sure if he will grow soon or if I need to feed him more. And with the eye bulging I tried misting him with warm water. Please reply, thanks

There could be a lot going on with your cham so we need a bit more specific information.

What temps, humidity level in your cage? What specific brands of lights are you using? Incorrect lighting can contribute to nutritional problems which affect growth. How old are the bulbs?

When you say you "haven't been taking the best care of him" in what ways do you mean?

How often are you using calcium, what brand, how often are you giving him vitamins and what types? Be specific as this could be a big part of the problem.

Mealworms are not a very nutritious feeder. There are much better options.

What do you mean by "eyes bulging"? A picture will help a lot.

At his age he may not grow much more even if you do feed him differently. Not all panthers grow to the same sizes. Some breeders select for color, not size.
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