Panther Feeding Schedule

My panther is about 7 months old and I am looking at expanding his diet. Right now he is eating about 20 crickets daily, and the occasional mealworm or two. He does not seem to get bored of them at all, but I want to add in silkworms and dubia roaches.
Does anybody have a weekly schedule they can recommend to me to help add these in? Should I reduce the number of crickets? I just want to make sure I am feeding him a proper amount.
Thanks :)
I've placed multiple containers with various types of feeders to give mine more variety of choices some days so a small cup of Phoenix worms, a small deli cup with 10 dubias and a deli cup with 8-10 crickets,not every day mind you but 2x so far since I've had mine. He seems to like this and usually eats all the food
I feed crickets, horn worms, silk worms, an occasional horn worm moth, wax worms & moths, phoenix worms and black soldier flies occasionally, butter worms - I personally do not feed hard worms such as meal or supers. Meal worms are garbage, and supers is just a personal choice :).
I don't have a set schedule, I just usually have all of those on hand and feed them at random. I would feed Dubia's but they are illegal here :) I hope that helps a little!
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