Panther female question


New Member
So I have had my female panther for more than a year and she has produced a fertile, viable clutch. My concern is that she has only produced eggs three times, total. One was the fertile clutch (after a single breeding session), the second was an infertile clutch one month after that, and the third was another infertile clutch of only a few eggs not long after. The last eggs were at least 8 months ago. Her feeding schedule has slowed down in the last few months as she is fully grown and I was not intending to breed her, however I was under the impression they would still produce eggs unless their food is severely restricted. She still gets 5-6 crix or 4 dubia or a few silk worms every other day... Also she shows "signs" of developing eggs. She shows receptive colors, gets more active, shows interest in my male, and even gains visible weight. Could she be absorbing the eggs? She always has a laying bin and I check it well when I suspect digging. Her health is fine I'm mostly curious as to what is going on and if others experience this. Thanks for any input, Caitlin
My first female has been steadily laying infertile clutches every 3 -4 months or so for the last year. Not sure whats going on with yours. She was bred in late 2009 and she laid every month for almost a year after laying her first 3 fertile clutches but she finally calmed down and started the schedule she has now. Kinda wish I had your problem if she is staying healthy and active.
She has not had any health problems, she hunts like crazy and drinks like a champ. She has a fiery attitude as well lol unless I have a roach/worm on my finger that's just a little odd from all I read and I was thinking of breeding her again sometime soon. I wonder if another breeding would start up laying like last time?
I wouldnt be overly concerned. So long as she is otherwise healthy, and youre not currently breeding, this sounds like a good thing to me.

I have bred females and then had very long stretches between clutches thereafter. Granted, I was controlling food (a little less than you are providing, but not hugely less) and heat (what temp is your females hotest basking spot?).
Her basking spot is pretty warm, highest one is 94 degrees. I am interested in breeding her again tho... Her very first clutch was only laid after breeding her, well after her one year mark and at that time she was fed everyday pretty much as much as she wanted to eat. Maybe she is just weird?
I had one female faly that was bred last summer. She laid three fertile and 1 infertile clutch after a single mating session. She produced the last clutch(infertile) in late Dec. I just bred her again last week. She didnt produce anything for almost 6 months. So its not unheard of.
Well the next time she is receptive we shall see what happens :) hopefully I can breed her another time, I really enjoy raising these little buggers.
If you her to not become fertile as much, don't have her in vision of a male or else she will start to produce eggs because of the male in sight.
Nah my problem, if indeed it is a problem at all is her not producing eggs... She only sees my male when he runs out on to me sometimes when I open his cage and he climbs on top of my head. Or when her sides turn bright pink and gravid looking. I would love for her to produce another fertile clutch.
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