Panther Or Veiled


Chameleon Enthusiast

I'm planning on getting my last Chameleon soon because this will be the last possible place I can put one. I am trying to decide if I want a female Veiled so I can breed Veileds or if I should get a male Panther Chameleon. The type of Panther will be a Blue Bar Ambilobe, But the have a variety of breeders that I'm also trying to decide which one I should get babies from. People who have both, I would like you intel on how you like both. Also, I need care information about Panthers or do you think they are about the same as Veileds???

Thanks So Much!!
I'm sure you'll get LOTS of input here and only you can make the choice. Big difference deciding b/t getting into breeding or just getting another animal companion. I had a female veiled, not to breed, and she was a sweet, friendly girl. I now have a (nosy be) panther and I couldn't ask for a sweeter boy! Personally, I would not have another female, but that is b/c I don't want to breed and the infertile egg thing was a problem, thus, my decision to get Cy (now 2+ years old). As for care, I find it to be nearly the same.

There's my 3 cents worth ;)

Thanks, I was leaning towards a male Amilobe myself but I wanted some inputs to see what other people thought.
now the actual question is are you sure it's gonna be your last? :D
Actually, since you seems to know much more about chameleon keeping, it really is just preference.
Lol thats what everyone says lol :rolleyes:, I don't know if I want to deal with unfertile eggs. Grr that would be terrible :(
Well if ya don't have room for anymore chameleons, breeding a female wouldn't be such a good idea. Also think of your end goals. If ya want to just enjoy looking at your chams I would go with the male ambilobe.
why not a chameleon with horns?
their are plenty of great horned mountain chams that are fun.
my next is going to be a mountain.
Well if ya don't have room for anymore chameleons, breeding a female wouldn't be such a good idea. Also think of your end goals. If ya want to just enjoy looking at your chams I would go with the male ambilobe.

That's what I was going to say. If you only have room for one more cham, you're not going to have room to raise 30 babies to 2 or 3 months.
HA! I guess I haven't gotten the concept of choosing "just one" or any chameleons being "the last"! :)
Get a Panther and then I can hook you up with a beautiful Veiled this summer! :)
That's what I was going to say. If you only have room for one more cham, you're not going to have room to raise 30 babies to 2 or 3 months.

lol I couldn't figure out the logic of a female... I mean, girls are cute. But girl chams just aren't my type. :eek::D
HA! I guess I haven't gotten the concept of choosing "just one" or any chameleons being "the last"! :)
Get a Panther and then I can hook you up with a beautiful Veiled this summer! :)

Yeah... since when does a chameleon keeper have ANY concept of 'the end' or 'the last one' This is an addiction we are dealing with, something we can not control... ya might call it an outbreak!:eek:
HA. I know everyone thinks I won't be able to stop but until some animals pass or I sell them or what not, this will be my last Chameleon. And, I have room for like Tubbermaid things that people keep babies in but I sell my babies to a Pet Store and they wouldn't be able to handle 30+ Chameleons. They have two or three people who knows how to take care of them but the don't have screen cages.

its hard to tell you what to get since none of us really know what you taste is. I would go with a male panther if this is the last spot you have for one.
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