Pantherchameleon eats expanded clay balls


New Member
We have a 1 years old pahther chameleon and on the bottom of our therarium ther are some flower pots filld with expanded clay balls. Since a few days, the chameleon starts to eat these balls. I think it can be dangerous because of constipation.
Do you have some experience with this situation and can you give some advice to handle this issue? (Put out the expanded clay, put some black fleece on it ore something like this?)
Thanks for some help and advice
BR Achim
Hi, do you know if your chameleon has eaten one, if so yes this could be a risk of impacting as they are not able to digest it. Definitely either cover up the clay balls with a sheet of fleece or, re-pot your plants and put the clay balls at the bottom as a drainage layer. If your chameleon has definitely eaten one, take him to a vet that works with chameleons if you see any changes at all. Hope this helps, good luck 🤞 🦎
Thanks for your help and advice. Yes the chameleon has eaten (one or some) I heard the crunchy noise from chewing. Ok, I will cover it asap with a fleece or something like this und keep an eye on his Feces.
Yikes! You definitely need to watch your chameleon and make sure he’s able to poop okay. You can cover the clay balls with larger stones that are too big to fit in his mouth and/or some landscape fabric.
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