Panthers first shower


New Member
He seemed to enjoy it. he is only 5 months old.. also he is 1 of the 3 newest chameleons i just got!!
yes his colors are coming in nicely, mine is just a month or two behind yours...keep up the good work cheeeeers
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i got him from Chameleonsonly. ed and liddy considered him a B grade, due to having a Kink in the base of his tail. also it seems that this Kink may be stunting the growth of his tail, reason i say this is because i have 2 males at 5 months and my other male seems to have at least an inch of tail more then this little guy!
yea a lot of times when houses as babies, the tips are bitten off by other chams....and then when they grow...that tiny portion ends up being more like an inch..... one thing you'll notice about these panther chams is there tails come to a very fine end....its sometimes tempting to buy one of these b grades just because of the price.... i'm sure they live happy lifes and breed well...i'm just not real big on imperfections...i was offered one that had AMAZING color at the show and passed on it for the one i posted...but keep us posted on how his minor disability affects him
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