Pascal Update 2!


New Member
Update on this thread:

So i have been to the vet and they took a good look at him. Apparently Pascal has deformities on his skull and limbs, and his "overweight" is a deformity according to the vet, as his weight was okay and of no concern. His eyes are also very spongy, his mucous membranes are irritaded and he generally appears very bloated around the head area.

He got antibiotics and i give him eye drops every morning and evening. Since we cant tell what the eye's spongyness causes we hope it'll go away with the eye drops.
The vet's theory was a renal dysfunctions that need infusion, as the bloated areas on head, eyes and limbs could be water. But i rather try infusions as the very last solution.

In 2 weeks we got another vet appointment to check on Pascal again.
The vet suggested a blood test and mucous membrane tests, testing his feces for the sweet price of around 300€ :/

He is eating well and started molting fine, climbing around his enclosure and even went outside to explore the top of his cage once.

I asked around and someone mentioned his deformaties could have been caused by insufficient UVB exposure when he was young? Or maybe some sort of down syndrom?
I went back and looked at his pics and I don’t see any obvious signs of metabolic bone disease, but that’s not to say he doesn’t have some, or other skeletal deformity. Generally with such a bulging casque and cheeks though , that is due to being obese and how their body condition is determined, as they don’t hold fat the same way other animals do. I would say to look at his mitten feet and refer back to the video I linked for you to judge if he’s obese or has a head deformity or issue.
I agree with having labs done as they can tell so very much about what is truly going on. I would definitely do that next if he hasn’t improved. Getting a fecal check for parasites is also always a good idea. I don’t know about the other stuff. What are the infusions that your vet said he needs? Pardon my questioning, but without having labs done, how can your vet know what his kidney status is or if he needs any infusions? Also, what is a mucous membrane test? How is that done and what is it supposed to determine or test for? I do hope the antibiotics and eye drops help your guy and he recovers fully.
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