PC cable instead of branch?


New Member
Hi everyone!

I already have a ficus inside terarium, but because it doesn't have enough branches, I want to put in a cable (that i will paint to green or brown).

You can see that i have some strings, but they are to narrow (is that the right word?:eek:), and he could climb on them when he was baby. Now he can't walk on them stable, he most of the time falls under, but holding the string.:D

Is something wrong if I put cable in?
Because I live in a town, and there are little trees, and I can't just go out and brake some branches. Too embarassing.:p

Some pics of terrarium under.


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i wouldnt recommend it, cables like that have fiberglass insulation that can be a health hazard if exposed, also prob. be too flimsy by itself, you still gotta wrap it around a branch.

see maybe a coaxial cable (like for your tv) is stiff enough and bendable enough, just paint it green. i would do that before a pc cable.
Now I think, that better is to just wrap coaxial cable on the strings and it will be wide enough so he can walk stable, right?

What do you think? ;)
If you want to go the cheap route, just collect dead branches from a forest floor. Bake them in the oven for 30 minutes to kill any living organisms that may exist on them. Then you are safe to use them :)
I'll just wrap it on ropes (strings). And I will look for some branches in nearest forest on the floor, but will they become softly and easier to brake if I bake them?
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