I am new to the Chameleon world. I just got mine (MadHatter) (he is a Veiled.) this past weekend at the Reptile expo in Arlington Tx. He is still a baby but a good size. I have him in a terrarium with a screen top and vents on two of the walls. i have branches and fake vines in with him. When I brought him home he was Green as all get out (now I know they change) but i am now on day 5 and i have not seen him eat
and I came home tonight and looked and he was spotted and what looked like some shedding on his eye, head, and back. but he is bright green on one side and then brown on the other with white splotches all over. I mist him 2 times a day and when i dont have time to mist i place ice cubes on top and let them melt through the day. i put crickets in his cage but like i said i have not seen him eat at all not even drink water off the leaf or screen. If anyone knows what might be going on i would really love some info. Thanks Joy
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