

This is a fairly straightforward question-do you think it's possible at all that we might go a little overboard with attributing human traits to our chameleons and stuff like that? I don't want to be mean, but I'm just curious about what you all think.
I absolutely think most people do, myself included. It's in human nature to do so unfortunately. We care for our Chams as if they are our children and therefore form a love of them that we wish to see reciprocated. Because we are looking for it, it is easy to misinterpret their instinctual actions for having human emotions behind them. They may see us as a source of food and something that can be trusted, but that is far from the emotion we often like to think they are showing when they climb onto us or move to the front of the enclosure when we are near.

This can also be dangerous as it can prevent the notice of warning signs that they are showing (especially for inexperienced keepers). One may think it's cute that the cham darts onto their hand the moment they open the enclosure, but it may well be a sign that the enclosure is uncomfortable for some reason. many new keepers think that the cham climbing onto their head is endearing but are looking past the fact that they are probably seeking the highest point because they are scared and stressed. I love my reptiles but I often have to remind myself to look at their actions in terms of their instincts and ask what they are telling me and not what I want to interpret it as.
Are you saying that my guys don't actually love me?? :eek: I think anyone who is serious about keeping chameleons has read about the capacity of the chameleon brain and to attribute human characteristics to their behavior is probably a stretch, but isn't that the fun of keeping a pet? It would be easier to do it if they were not so stinking cute!
I like to go a step further when talking to non herpers.

"The chameleon needs a friend to keep him busy while we at work"
"he needs toys, here is a new rope tree"
"why dont you give him treats?"

I like my frilled dragon and bearded dragon. "Oh they are stuck in the cage, we should let them roam free". Take beardy out 4ft from cage, beardy walked 4ft back to cage and sits on rock, with derp face on. Put frilly out for "exercise", come back 4 hours later, still clinging to same log.
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