Retired Moderator
I got my pair of Pfeffer's chameleons, Trioceros pfefferi, and a gravid Rh. acuminatus this morning. The male pygmy didn't get packed with the shipment so hopefully I'll get him next week. The T. pfefferi look pretty good, although the fat pads on the side of the male's head are a bit sunken in. The orange with blue dots on the top of his casque are really nice, though. All three have been willing to hand-feed a couple of times and have had a number of good showers today. I'm really excited to finally acquire this species. I was all set to get a pair and try breeding them 9 or 10 years ago and then they just stopped coming in. I'm really happy about, and optimistic for, them so far. Hopefully I can get some montane pygmy eggs, too. Anyway, here are the pics....
Guess I need smaller crickets:
Finishing up:
Hand fed the Rh. acuminatus also:
Guess I need smaller crickets:
Finishing up:
Hand fed the Rh. acuminatus also: