I have seen 'Phoenix Worm' advertisements and I never knew what they were until last night. I forum member on here gave me a cup full and upon inspecting them when getting home realized I have seen them before. I used to breed snakes and I had a sizable rodent colony. Occasionally when their cages would get damp, I would dump the bedding into a compost pile and I would see TONS of these disgusting looking worms in the compost. I never knew what they were; they were flattened and had a very hard skin, so I assumed they were useless and I never fed them to any of my chameleons. Check out the link below, they seem top be quite beneficial.
I absolutely LOVE 'em! They are expensive and small, though. They are a good size for the first few months, and have loads of calcium and a great ratio to Phosphorous (1.5:1). They turn to flies pretty quickly if warm and can't take the low temps of a typical 'fridge, so don't buy more than you can feed off in a week or so. I had a dedicated dorm fridge set on 45f at one point to keep them.