phoenix worms


New Member
i buy p w for my cham is it better to store p w in the refrigerator or leave them out. california temperature is 80 degrees ? every time i buy them the p w dnt even last for a week they end up dieing on me. what can i do for the p w to last at least a month? And also i got black wiggle worms are they okay to feed to my cham or only the tan color p w thanks
My suggestion is to leave them out. Putting them in the fridge will make them more susceptible to death. Also, they will not be gut loaded, which means they have no nutrition. If you want to raise them, they will eat anything. Feed them clean food waste ( leftovers) and some tiny amounts of meat. That way, they will last a long while. Feed them before they turn into pupae though, or you will have flies in your house. :p
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