phoenix worms


New Member
I like monitoring my chams food intake. So when i bought the large phoenix worms and saw these little not evena n inch worm my chams wouldnt take it no matter what technique i used. My cham is about 7 in. and the other is maybe 8-9 in. They are 2 seperated jacksons. I use the wall og the cage to have the chams notics the little worm but it kept falling ( no legs ). Also are black phoenix worms dead or cacooning ? Lastly where can i get hornworms to order online where the seller is located in florida.
I do not like phoenix worms period! None of my chams. will so much as look at the maggots. Even the hatchlings bypass phoenix worms. The maggots barely move and they are tiny. Some say they are great but I strongly disagree and feel they are a waste of precious $$$$$$. Not sure of Hornworm suppliers in Fl. However, Great Lakes Hornworms will ship them to you for a fair price. Just a reminder Hornworms get large fast and when I say large I mean to large for even Adult males. So specify you want small ones.
Sometimes they could be dead or it could be pupa. Put those in another container, something clear maybe? After awhile you will have black soldier flies..their not big either. My cham eats them fine but I stopped buying because they are small now.
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