Picky Eater

Hello, I recently got my male veiled chameleon and he is 3-4 months old. Ive had him for 2-3 weeks now and he refuses everything but mealworms and crickets. I have tried baby hornworms and BSF larvae so far. I know mealworms arent the healthiest due to impaction but I wanted to offer variety and also the crickets I had purchased to begin with were far too large so I had to resort to mealworms for a few days. I know silkworms are popular and I will try to get my hands on some of those, but besides that what do you guys recommend? Just interested in hearing everyone's favorites and go-to's. Also, I am in FL so dubias are out of the question. Thanks!
Welcome to the forums. I'm in FL too. :)

Coastal Silkworms is in FL and they have silkworms right now. They are a site sponsor here and I order from them anytime they have silks. As mentioned above Phoenix worms are good feeders and so are flies, butterworms and moths. There's also other roaches you can get that are legal in FL such as discoids, cave roaches and green banana roaches. Also veileds like fruits and veggies. I give my greens weekly.

I'd also highly recommend a fecals to check for parasites. Where do you live in FL and I can recommend a vet for a fecal.
Dubias are out for me as well as they are not allowed where I live. Here is a list of feeders I offer throughout the week.

*Super worms - sometimes the white beetles
*Horn worms
*Silk worms
*Butter worms
*Grass Hoppers
*These little green super jumpers... think they are "Acanalonia conica" always find them when i'm collecting grass hoppers
Dubias are out for me as well as they are not allowed where I live. Here is a list of feeders I offer throughout the week.

*Super worms - sometimes the white beetles
*Horn worms
*Silk worms
*Butter worms
*Grass Hoppers
*These little green super jumpers... think they are "Acanalonia conica" always find them when i'm collecting grass hoppers
Since Ive introduced my guy to Superworms he barely touches crix now
My guy used to devour crickets for the camera 4-5 in a row two times a day now that hes been introduced to supers its a few a day and thats all he needs. Ive been trying to pull out everything tho he turned down green hornworms wouldnt touch em pretty sure he made friends with one that was in there with him or just thought it was a moving leaf. He occaisionally eats pho worms. But doesnt touch dubai. But now ive got silkys coming and just tossed in some nice big butterworms he shouldnt be able to turn down. I give him greens also but never have seen any evidence of him eating them. He just got moved to a huge dragonstrand clear atrium and seems to love it except for the part where he cant climb on the clear side material hes still trying to figure out what that all about. The picky eating started months ago in his smaller cage though. Now he has 3 feeder bowls and soon to be better lighting so mayb that will stimulate more feeding.
Welcome to the forums. I'm in FL too. :)

Coastal Silkworms is in FL and they have silkworms right now. They are a site sponsor here and I order from them anytime they have silks. As mentioned above Phoenix worms are good feeders and so are flies, butterworms and moths. There's also other roaches you can get that are legal in FL such as discoids, cave roaches and green banana roaches. Also veileds like fruits and veggies. I give my greens weekly.

I'd also highly recommend a fecals to check for parasites. Where do you live in FL and I can recommend a vet for a fecal.
I live in West Palm Beach! Thank you!
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