Picky Eater

Lexie Ross

New Member
My vield chameleon Hei-Hei is about 5 months old. The last 2 weeks he’s decided that crickets are no longer what he wants to eat. So I’ve been giving him 3 super worms a day. I’ve looked into buying Dubia Roaches online. But I’m not sure where to order them or how to take care of them.
He likely got addicted to the superworms; its happened to mine before as well, I try to limit out how many crickets I give per week. I suggest not giving up on crickets, if he's hungry he'll eat. Dubia roaches are good feeders, but I have not explored them too much.
Dubia roaches are great! I have been feeding them to my cham for many months now, and she is still just as excited now as when I first introduced them to her. Obviously she is going to be getting some more variety now, but I think they are one of the best feeders. And I have been through crickets, mealworms, and finally the roaches, so I have played the field a bit.
If you want more information on dubia roaches specifically, you should start a new thread so people can reply with their care methods.
FullThrottleFeeders.com AKA Nick Barta hear on CF. He has good prices and I never heard a complaint. He only has mixed sized dubias listed but I think if you just need larger he would do that for you. He also carries stick and leaf bugs which are super cool and chams love them. He has mantis ooths and several other feeders as well.
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