New Member
I have a year old veiled chameleon I adopted 3 days ago from petsmart. She had gotten an eye infection and lost both her eyes despite antibiotics. Due to roughly force feeding her she also developed mouth rot but that has cleared up. She is severely malnurished and dehydrated. They were basically just waiting for her to die until I adopted her. I am giving her subQ fluids for her dehydration as she will not drink from misting, a dropper, or a bowl (obviously thats what petsmart gave her). I am feeding her a variety of fresh fruits, veggies, some hibiscus flowers, and crickets. Unfortunately, petsmart was feeding her waxworms which to a chameleon is basically like candy. Now she wont eat her crickets unless I shove them all the way into her mouth and keep it there, otherwise she'll spit them out. I feed her the Can'O'Crickets, I cant feed many live things to her because its hard to hold her in one hand with a bug in the other trying to pry her mouth open and shove the bug in all at the same time, let alone a MOVING bug. Any suggestions on different, nutritious insects? Or any fruits and veggies I can also try? She likes pears, apples and hibiscus flowers.