Pictures pictures pictures


ok, Creating some desktop themes Chameleon related using pictures from here and was going to share to this Forum. Just needing to know if anyone/everyone that posted pictures would mind my Adding them before I post the link ? :) Was kind of hoping to have at least one picture of every type of chameleon Currently owned by all on this forum
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Not every person whose photo you might choose will read your thread, so my suggestion is to send a personal message to each member and ask for their permission. This will save you any unnecessary drama that may occur!
You know... maybe 6-8 runners-up to the annual calendar could be compiled into a screensaver? I would have a CF screensaver on my computer. Maybe even for a nominal fee to a chameleon conservation group - like $5 to download?

Just an idea.

When i'm on my pc it's not Left alone long enough for a screensaver to kick, thats why I was thinking of doing the Desktop background themes
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