Pill bugs

I like them. the chameleons LOVE them. Yes you can use as feeders, but better to use ones you raise yourself rather than wild caught ones (parasites and also they are heavy metal bio-acumulators). High in calcium. Not super easy to digest, like any shelled prey, so I would limit offering to no more than weekly. Make excellent cleaners in my frog enclosures.
lol mind me but whats a pill bug?

Its a small terrestrial isopod.
You might be familiary with the term "Wood sow" or "rollie pollie" or "wood louse"
The ones pictured here are wood sow or wood louse (they dont roll up into balls like the related pill bugs)

and These are pill bugs
we call them "rolly polly's"....they are related to lobsters. When you try to pick them up they roll into a little ball...hence the name...
Do they breed as effeciently as dubias or longer..? I've offered Melea a few before and she took straight to them. I would'nt mind trying to breed them as long as they take too much time.
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