PINHEAD crickets!!!


Avid Member
OK... so I am still trying to find a way to keep my pin heads to stay in the container!!! any suggestions???

Also, what do you cricket breeders feed your pin heads? What temperature do you keep them at?

Thanks in adance,
They can't walk up packing tape so I always line the inside with tape. Depending on the container it can be kinda a pita. I always feed them greens from my gutload ingredients. I keep them in the mid to high 80s with a bit of humidity and plenty ventilation. I always have quite a few die off so I may have something wrong.
I really dislike pinheads. I don't know what you are trying to feed, but fruit flies are easier to keep and feed. I did have some pins and I fed them a bit of kale, an orange slice and cricket crack along with using a cube or two of water crystals. I kept them in a tall deli jar with a knee high nylon stocking over the top. Kept them inside the container pretty good. If you put a straw with one end closed off they will crawl into the straw. Make sure you cut it off so you can still close the top of your container.
Pinheads....Rawrrrrr!!:rolleyes: They are fast little buggers and love to jump out of anything you put them in. They kinda remind me of little pop rocks, the way the jump every which direction aimlessly.:p I keep mine inside a cricket keeper and use small pieces of egg crate inside if you use a few small pieces you can pick up a small piece and shake it over a small container you use for feeding. I use an old calcium container to cup feed my little one. I put the lid on it and shake it a bit before I poor them in to kinda "ding" them out a bit to slow them down. They are really fast and are sometimes hard to catch for the little ones.

As for food....oranges and total bites.
I use those cricket keepers sold at pet stores, only I place small tubes of PVC cut into 6" length and ran through the center with steel wool in a twisting motion to scratch up the center so they can climb in there. I top the rim of the keeper with Glad press & seal saran wrap. it sticks to rim real GOOD! then take a pin and poke 20 holes in it so air can get in Crix cant get out.
To use, open lid, peel back the Press & seal half way, grab a tube of PVC shake it out in your feed container or enclosure. (Hopefully the enclosure is compleatly sealed:confused:) replace the tube back into the keeper and restick the Press & seal. close the lid.
I feed my pinheads shredded carrots and no water, they get plenty of liquid out of the carrot shavings.
I have three week old crickets.... ya feed them Cricket Crack and they can almost clear the height of a tall deli cup....

As for storage I keep mu crickets in a large bin. They can't jump THAT high....

This is the keeper I built:


There is a fan at one end to pull air through the keeper. Crickets die from their own smell. Keeping fresh air circulated keeps them alive.

This is the fan end of the cage. It gets dusty....


This is the air intake end of the keeper. I learned a hard lesson..... DON"T use fiberglass screen LOL crickets will eat through it. You can see a hole and an escapee cricket in this pic.

I do have two fans in my herp room.

As for the pin heads, they just seem to climb anything... I need to try a different tape I guess.

I'm going to get a larger bin for the tiny pinnies, and only have a small space for a heat source, with the egg crates in the corner with the heat.

I'll keep them in a cooler room 65 degrees instead of 78, so they'll get cold if they move away for too long. I'm hoping this works! :]

Also, do any of you guys feed them dog food ? Or anything that could boost their growth? Or is it just heat and hydration that really helps them grow?

Thanks again for all the replies!
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