Plants not doing well, is it the light?


I have an umbrella tree wilting and a ficus that has dropped a lot of leaves. The flora sun is the light I've been using. My nepenthes seems to be doing fine, it just needs to be more wet (working on that). What should I do?


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Umbrellas seem to have a hard time indoors for me too. I also used a lot of water so the roots might have been over watered.
Lots of people use 6.5k grow lights in their setup. Might be worth a shot. Either that or give it some time outside.
Right...check your pot drainage. If the roots sit in saturated soil all the time they'll eventually rot or have fungus invasions. Ficus drop their leaves for a lot of reasons...if they have been moved recently, if the light has changed, as well as root problems.
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