

New Member
Hi guys,

I usually take my chameleon out on my backyard almost everyday. Lately however, I've noticed in between the floor theres some type of plant growing and my cham just cant get enough of it, she has been eating it for about a week now and nothing bad has happened but i just wanna make sure it healthy for her?


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I am not sure about the plant itself. However, make sure no one has sprayed weed killer or bug spray in those cracks!
Could be some sort of thyme ground cover, but it's hard to tell.

Thyme is common at nurseries and u might even fund some live at an organic grocer. You might pick up some food-grade thyme and cultivate it if she likes it. I would minimize how much grazing on wild, unknown plants you allow. Too easy to get a dose of weed killer or some plant potentially toxic.
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