New Member
Hi I have a 1.5 year old veiled chameleon who is SEVERLY lethargic as in won’t move and can’t even open his eyes he’s been like this for almost a week straight
and yes i know first reaction is vet appointment and he has one this friday and the only reason it’s taken so long is i just completely do not have the money so im borrowing it from my boyfriend in order to get her seen. im mostly on here for advice and just a community to help me improve and know more about how to care for my chameleon the way he deserves but also im wondering if there is anything i can buy or do in order to help him open his eyes because its preventing him from eating at all and that’s terrifying me so any replies would be greatly appreciated i know this is a long read. he was from petco and sold to me as a female (he is in fact not a female) and i have no excuse for getting a chameleon from petco in the first place let alone purchasing those death kits they sell but i was a child and made a poor decision that multiple adults around me was saying was perfectly fine and im now aware of how horrible that is. after about a month of plastic plants and horrible lighting for my poor little guy i had done more research that should’ve been done months before i ever got my him but i purchased the right uvb and heat lamps as well as more branches and plants to put around. over the last year ive just slowly tried to make my overall care for him better at every opportunity. for his diet i feed him gut loaded and calcium dusted insects like dubia roaches, crickets, mealworms etc. and he’s always had a good appetite until now that he’s sick he can’t even see in order to eat it breaks my heart, and for drinking he has a dropper that i keep going a for couple hours a few times a day as well as i mist her cage manually with a spray bottle 3-4 times daily and she still is seeming to drink but not eating at all i’m on here because im terrified my chameleon is going to die due to my lack of knowledge and financial ability to care for him and i am looking for anyway i can improve or advice to help him recover. i’m honestly very nervous to post this because of the guilt i feel as i can’t help but feel this is all my fault but anyway that’s whats going on please feel free to ask any questions or please leave any advice you have for me it would be so appreciated.