Please help fast very urgent


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Hello i have tried a few threads but no one replies so please reply it is urgent i am scared that my 6 month old female cham is not doing well she has had black dots all over for the last week. What may be wrong the basking is about 95f and i have a repti glo 8.0 uvb light. I mist about 2-3 times a day i ran out of crickets so i have been feeding her dubia roaches. I was home for a week of no school. I have a schefflera in the cage and alot of fake plants and some soil for the schef. that is planted in and has those white styrofoam beads is this bad? My cage is located by my window that is kinda cold outside but heated from 10 am to 912 pm. I need to make a supplement schedule any tips on what to do. The chams poop is dark brown and urine is white. Any help is appreciated

-Chris Eddlemon
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i just took the photo i will take that soil out. Also i bought her from petco and they might have lied about if my math is right then she should be 6 months but is there a chance they lied or didnt know age. Could she be gravid what should i put in for eggs to be buried
you know colour comes with age. she might just be showing some.
as far as a supplement scheduel here is mine
Mon and Thurs-calcium
Tues and Fri=-Rep Cal Herptivite
Wed and Sat- MinerAll or t-rex formula

I rotate every other week between D3 and no D3
the chin stuck out when i took photo but just imagine those dots without chin and what is herptivite and minerall

I have flukers repta calcium and flukers repta vitamin with beta carotene
i think she is perfect and i wouldnt worry. supply her with an egglaying area just in case. Hertivite is just vitamins and stuff. T-Rex chameleon formula and MinerAll is just a third supplement. you would need to read up on it. it just supplies some different nutrients.
Ok is she to young to have eggs at 6 months though? and thank you for the help what should i do for an egglaying spot. how deep? what material? Sand? brand? how wet?
Pedro 92 wrote: Hello i have tried a few threads but no one replies so please reply it is urgent i am scared that my 6 month old female cham is not doing well she has had black dots all over for the last week.

Greetings, Chris. The photo of your cham looks quite healthy. Is this a recent photo? I don't see black dots. She looks like she is showing receptive coloration. SOmetimes they will do that even when there is no male cham around. A female veiled can get very dark, with some very exotic looking spots when she is gravid/preparing to lay eggs.

Chris asked: What may be wrong the basking is about 95f and i have a repti glo 8.0 uvb light.

An 8.0 UVB light seems rather strong. Is that one of the desert series? A too strong UVB light will cause stress. A 5.0 bulb is recommended by most, unless your cage is about 4 feet tall and large.

Chris said: I mist about 2-3 times a day i ran out of crickets so i have been feeding her dubia roaches. I was home for a week of no school. I have a schefflera in the cage and alot of fake plants and some soil for the schef. that is planted in and has those white styrofoam beads is this bad?

Tonight cover the soil at the base of her plant with damp paper towels. Wrap the paper towels around the base of the plant stems and make sure all the soil is covered. Then, when you get a chance, purchase some "washed rocks" to cover the soil with. These are a very large (about 1" x 1" and larger) form of pea gravel used in landscaping. If you use "found" rocks, make sure they are clean and safely sanitized before placing on the soil. And keep up the misting. That's really good that her urates are white.

Chris said: My cage is located by my window that is kinda cold outside but heated from 10 am to 912 pm.

We have a veiled male who sleeps in a bay window. In the winter his sleep area really does get a bit too cold for his good. So, on the truly cold nights I clip a heat bulb (the kind you use for reptiles who need heat lamps) not far from him to just warm his ambient air up a bit. When I don't do that, he is very slow to wake up in the morning and displays other minor problems.

Chris said: I need to make a supplement schedule any tips on what to do. The chams poop is dark brown and urine is white. Any help is appreciated
Yes that is a recent photo taken about 15 minutes ago and check out the other link those are the dots. Yes it is a dessert series should i get a 5.0 i'll use the 8.0 for the cage i am building 4 ft tall 3ft wide and 2ft back. Its just like lenny's mansion in the search bar.
I don't think she's too young to have eggs.

The stress photo you show in the other post. If she shows that stress coloration whenever she sees you, it may be that she is too exposed. She may need denser foliage so see feels more secure. This is a very real possibility. I have seen this happen and the change that can take place with the addition of more concealment.
Yes that is a recent photo taken about 15 minutes ago and check out the other link those are the dots. Yes it is a dessert series should i get a 5.0 i'll use the 8.0 for the cage i am building 4 ft tall 3ft wide and 2ft back. Its just like lenny's mansion in the search bar.

I don't know that you want to use a desert bulb on a veiled chameleon. Those are designed more for desert lizards. Veiled chams are not desert species. Oops. I've gotta go. Let us know how she does.
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