Please help me...


New Member
For the past two weeks, my chameleon always turns dark... And now my chameleon refuse to pleasee
Turning black is an indication of your pet absorbing as much UVB as it possibly can!!
You do have some nice UVB lights shining down on him(her)???
Sometimes before a shed chameleons dont eat prior to the event!!!
How long has your pet not been eating???
There is a form you can fill out to aid in the help process by the knowledgeable people on this forum,,,heres the link,,,,just copy and paste the form to a new message in this thread and your answers will help them visualize how your pet is being kept(husbandry)!!!
This is the link
Turning black is an indication of your pet absorbing as much UVB as it possibly can!!
You do have some nice UVB lights shining down on him(her)???
Sometimes before a shed chameleons dont eat prior to the event!!!
How long has your pet not been eating???
There is a form you can fill out to aid in the help process by the knowledgeable people on this forum,,,heres the link,,,,just copy and paste the form to a new message in this thread and your answers will help them visualize how your pet is being kept(husbandry)!!!
This is the link

turning black or dark does not necessarily mean a chameleon is trying to absorb heat. That is just one of the reasons.
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