please help me...


New Member
usually my chameleon runs from me if a want to touch her.. but now, my chameleon dont care anymore... eyes sunken a little bit.. not eating very well... tongue doesnt eject properly and always drop its food...

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - senegal chameleon, female i guess, 7 month. ive takecare my chameleon for about 3 month...
Handling - once a week
Feeding - 2-3 crickets or superworm.. once every two days...
Watering - spray with drinking water three times a day... and i saw my chameleon drinking...
Fecal Description - the droppings is watery..
History - none...

Cage Info:
Cage Type - exo terra screen cage... 65 gallon
Lighting - 13watt repti glo 5.0 UVB and 50watt daylight basking spot.. 12 hours a day
Temperature - havent measured yet..
Humidity - ....
Plants - live plants and exo terra plastic plants..
Placement - infornt of television, near a fan...
DO YOU HAVE A LAYING BIN FOR HER!?!?!?! If not she sounds like she is becoming egg bound and needs to see a reptile vet immediately with experience with chams! My female just died because of this and she was 7 months old. Also sounds dehydrated or malnourished or both. Its only around $35 for an exam from a vet, make sure you go to a recommended vet with lots of experience with chams. No hotter than 90 for the hot spot that is important. Theres a video on youtube on how to make a laying bin for panther chameleons. They will have to x-ray her to give you a definite answer if she is or not, surgery is the only way to save her if she is. The shots they give will only help if she isnt eggbound yet. Move her away from the television. I would spray at least once every 3 hours, you would be surprised how much water these guys can drink. Do not drop water down her mouth.
She's definitely of an age where you want a laying bin available to her at all times. However, the symptoms you describe could be many things. Would it be possible to see a picture of her? That would help tremendously.

You do not mention any supplements. This board recommends daily dusting of feeders with plain calcium (no D3). D3 twice a month, multivitamin twice a month.

A lack of calcium could lead to Metabolic Bone Disease. The symptoms you describe could be early signs of that (they could be signs of lots of things! please don't think I'm saying this is what she has).

It sounds to me like you might be under feeding her a bit. Particularly if that is the feeding schedule you've been using since you got her.

Temperature is pretty important so you want to get a thermometer and find out what the temperatures are at the basking spot and at the bottom of the cage.
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