please help with potting soil question


New Member
I was wondering if lady bug vortex potting soil is safe to report my live plants has humus,manure,compost with microbes,steamed cedar flakes,ground rice hulls,Texas granite sand hadite and is supposed to b organic.I bought live plants this weekend and was just wondering if this would b ok to report with
I'm not familiar with the brand but if it calls itself organic potting soil then it ought to be as safe for the cham and as nutritious for the plants as you can get :)
If you are just using plant pots you can cover over the soil with large stones to be sure there is no chance of accidental eating.
Ditto. If its organic it should work just fine. If its not a well draining soil, I would also suggest using some rocks or sand at the bottom of the pot for a little extra drainage (particularly for ficus and other plants that cant handle a lot of water.) it can save a plant and your nose! There is nothing worse than a water logged plant pot that smells like the sewer had babies with a dead animal!
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