PLEASE HELP!!! Worried about 6 month old chameleon

I recently bought a 6 month old panther chameleon from a previous owner.
I have a big viv for him and lots of things for him to climb up, the only thing i am concerned about is the fact that i only have a heat bulb and not UV lighst (this is all i was given by the previous owner)
I have put a UV light on him now but i have noticed shakiness and him poking his tongue out quite alot... I'm quite concerned for his health, as i have said i have put the UV light on him now. He doesn't seem to be eating much and has got a bit skinny.
Please contact me asap with a list of things to do and get.
As i have said ive only got a heat lamp. No thermostat, no thermometer.
Do i need these things?
Please HELP!!!! :confused:
I am slightly concerned about this MBD i keep reading about, i need to know what to do next and how to prevent his health deteriorating
Could you please fill out the ask for help form?

Use the link in my signature and answer all of the questions

We can then see what u have and don't have, check temps etc and then go from there :)

Well done for getting the Uv! ;) you absolutely do need a thermometer tho to monitor temps! For a 6month Cham I'd say basking spot needs to be 83-85F
It should be at one side of the enclosure to create a temp gradient so Cham can cool down if it needs to

Pics of your setup and Cham will also help x

Thank you for asking how to provide ur Cham with exactly what it needs! Uve come to the right place ;)
In the resource section there are caresheets that go over pretty much everything you need. What kind of UV light do you have? Is it a tube light like a Reptosun or Arcadia? Also, you need to dust the feeders with supplements- plain calcium no D3 daily. Calcium w/ D3 2 times a month and a vitamin supplement 2 times a month alternately. I would post pics so that you can get feedback on possible MBD or other issues. Natural sunlight is also wonderful! You came to the right place for support!
Thanks for your help guys. Will take the pictures now, i currently have him in his travel cage as the big ones door is currently broken and i need to get it fixed.
Bare with me as i take the photos.

I sprinkle c.dust on his food and mist him twice daily with a sprayer but im looking to get a mister. Can you recommend a good cheap one?

Again thanks so much guys! Geoffrey will be happy that your helping :)
Does he have a dripper? Chams wont drink from still water. You can make one with a plastic bottle and poke a hole in it and let it drip onto some leaves. Pet stores also sell drippers for about 12.00.
What type of UVB and heat light are you using? Like previously stated, once you fill out the help for we can get you all squared away. The quicker the better for the health of the Cham. MBD is def a possibility if the previous owner did not have a UVB light.
Pictures of Geoffrey







Please note this isn't the actual size of his enclosure, the other is very big and has lots of vines, plants etc.
I'm new to all of this so am a bit confused about the help sheets. I can't seem to find them anywhere.
I am really really concerned and would like some advise!!





Here are some more pictures of him.
I am at work atm so not able to fill out the help sheet now but will when i get home, thankyou for all your advise!
From looking at the pictures do you think it could be linked to MBD?
I think he looks super dehydrated and malnourished more then anything. He really needs a dripper for his source of water
Hes underweight and dehydrated.

Both of which are easily fixed with shower time, good long mistings, and good gutloaded food.

I recommend roaches for this, as they are fantastic feeders.

What supplements are you using?

what uvb bulb?

What is the basking temp?

what does his new cage look like? (post photos)
pretty sure sticking their tongue out is NOT a sign of mbd.
it could however be a sign of a tongue injury. or he just likes to stick it out.

Many panthers do that to taste things, or when preparing for bugs.
If the tongue is out because the jaw is weak, that's different.

If he sits with his mouth open all the time, he is either hot, has a respiratory infection, or something is wrong with the jaw.

However, MBD usually strikes in other places before it hits the jaw area, such as arms and legs.
I was pretty sure I have read that not closing the mouth all the way or holding tongue out was a possible sign of calcium issues. He does seem to hold his mouth open in most pictures and it does not seem normal. Given that he did not have a UV light previously, and we don’t know if he was receiving proper calcium supplementation, he is shaky and has other symptoms, a calcium issue is very likely.
I know this can be stressful. Try not to go crazy worrying about him..I know how much it can weigh on your mind.

Get your basics covered:
Hydration- via mister, dripper, ect (an automatic mister can wait as long as you have a dripper or a mister, misting 3 times a day)
Nutrition- Supplements, gut load feeders
Foliage- Add some hardy plants to his viv for shady spots ect. It will help lots with humidity too!
Temp-Please get yourself a Hydrometer that tells you temp and humidity.
This can tell you so much about his environment.
He maybe too cold or too warm
UVB bulb-Helps or prevents MBD

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