Please help


New Member
So my male veiled chameleon is doing something some what strange. He will go towards the bottom of his cage and almost "dig" out mulch and reveals the white bottom of the cage. I know what your thinking, and I assure you Petrie is not a female. He has large spurs, as well as a vets opinion saying he is a male. I have moved the mulch back once or twice thinkning nothing of it, but then he will do it again. the spot he does it at is right in the front right corner of the cage, nearsest the door. Sometimes ill catch him hanging out there then he will move back up to his basking spot. I re covered the spot so I have no picture to show, but I am worried he might be trying to get out or something? He also has a reduced appetite lately, but I understand with age his appetite will shrink. Petrie is roughly 3-6 months old, someone please give me any thought.
My first question is why is there mulch in his cage? Is he in a terrarium? If he is in a regular screen cage he should not need any substrate on the bottom.

When you hear the appetite will decrease with age, they are talking years, not months. While they are babies they should eat all they want.

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I don't see why at that age his appetite will decrease. I think he should be eating a decent amount of crickets each day for a few more months atleast. If you could fill out the help form that will help us with some answers to give. How big is the cage he is in right now. How are the temps/humidity? Does he have anything stressing him? All these things will be answered in that form and you will get some good feedback. Also, as said before the mulch probably should come out right away. I would definately get it out if it was my chameleon to avoid impaction or even any sort of bacteria build-up.
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